Friday, March 5, 2010

10 Flavor Boosters For Dieters

  1. Cider Vinegar & Herb Infused Vinegars (See Multipurpose Herb Vinegar: Recipe). Watch commercial flavored vinegars for sugar content.
  2. Herb Seasoning Shakes (See 2 Tasty Recipes To Shake The Salt Habit, No Salt Seasoning Shake and Salad Seasoning Shake Recipe).
  3. Red Pepper Flakes (or powders like cayenne, chili and paprika).
  4. Salsa (Watch salt & sugar in commercial brands).
  5. Horseradish (Just a little dab will do ya).
  6. Hot Sauce (Tabasco, etc.)–Watch for hot sauces that contain a lot of sugar or salt.
  7. Fresh Lemon, Lime, Orange (Juice or Zest).
  8. Garlic (Fresh or Powder).
  9. Dill (Fresh or Dried).
  10. Pepper (Invest in a Pepper Grinder if you don’t have one, really. Freshly ground pepper is divine!)

Healthier Eating Tips

  • Veggie Boosters: If boiled veggies are too blah for you, toss one of these flavor enhancers in the pot: Garlic cloves, celery, bay leaf.
  • Meat Flavor Boosters: Marinate meats or add spice/herb rubs before cooking.
  • Vitamin Boost: Add fresh parsley to your dishes for an extra easy vitamin boost that won’t interfere with flavor.
  • Fruit Boost: Fruits are sweet and tasty on their own, but an added sprinkle of cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Get Hydrated: Skip the soda pop, see How To Beat The Soda Pop Addiction. Also try Homemade Herbal Teas for an extra health boost.
  • Easy Fiber: Wake up to an oatmeal breakfast or take a thermos full to work for lunch, easy way to fill up on fiber and it’s darn cheap too! See How To Make Crockpot Oatmeal & Oatmeal In A Thermos.

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