Friday, March 5, 2010

Vacuum Bag Sachet Fresheners: How-To

Slip these fragrant sachets into your vacuum bag and enjoy the pleasant fragrance when you vacuum the floor. They’re easy to make using just a few simple ingredients and best part is: they don’t make a mess!

How To Make Vacuum Bag Sachets


1/4 cup dried lavender*
1/4 cup dried rosemary*
1 TBS cloves*
1/2 cup cedar shavings
1 TBS baking soda
5 to 7 drops of essential oil (your choice)
Pantyhose or cheesecloth squares

*Or use 1/2 cup of your favorite herbal blend


  • Mix ingredients together then store in a sealed glass container for 1 week.
  • Make plain sachets or pouches using pantyhose or cheesecloth that will hold three tablespoons of the fragrant mix, fill with mix then tie or sew shut.
  • Store ready-made sachets in a sealed glass jar until needed.

Tip: Instead of using the above mix, try using your favorite potpourri blend, add a few extra drops of essential oils if needed.

To Use:

  • Pop a sachet into the new vacuum bag each time you change it. When you vacuum, the fragrance from the sachet will fill the room.
  • If you’d rather skip the sachet, simply add a few tablespoons of the fragrant mix into the new vacuum bag when changing it.
  • Use a fresh sachet each time you change vacuum bags.
  • If you prefer a stronger fragrance, add a few more drops of essential oil to the sachet pouch before placing in the vacuum bag.

You can also try this herbal carpet freshener that you sprinkle directly on the floor before vacuuming: Homemade Herbal Carpet Freshener Recipe.

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